Up to this point in the gospel Jesus has done ministry: Teaching, healing, casting out demons, etc. We have also seen certain others who have received Jesus’ ministry also following obediently after receiving Jesus’ ministry. Peter’s mother-in-law begins to serve (deaconizing) Jesus and the apostle’s after her healing. The man healed from the demonic in the last chapter goes and proclaims what God has done in his hometown, as Jesus tells him to do. The sinful woman from chapter 7 shows great love to Jesus, even before Jesus proclaims forgiveness. The women who are accompanying Jesus are serving Jesus through providing for him and is apostles out of their own funds. Here are examples of ministry. The apostle’s, while not fully understanding this stuff, are at least obedient to their call by Jesus and are following. Now Jesus is going to send them out in ministry.
1-6 – Apostles Sent Out in Ministry
Jesus begins by handing over to these 12, the ones he has hand chosen, the power and authority that he has been using in his ministry. They are given power over demons, power to cure from diseases, and the power to proclaim the kingdom of God, and to heal. It is curious that healing, and curing from diseases is mentioned. These we normally consider to be the same, but how are they different, and what kind of other healing is would Jesus be referring to?? What are the examples so far? This is the beginning of the commissioning that Jesus does for his disciples there are three others in the gospel and one in Acts. Ultimately the Jesus is sending the apostles out to perform the same job Jesus has been doing, which is to “proclaim the kingdom of God.” This proclamation is done through speaking and acting. The acting (physical demonstrations of the Kingdom of God) are the healings, the casting out of demons, the raising from the dead, the curing of diseases. These are sacramental ways the kingdom of God is breaking into our world, and showing us that there is an alternate reality that we do not always consider. That alternate reality is God’s reality!
Jesus then instructs the apostle’s:
1) Don’t take anything with you, nothing that you will cause you to rely on it instead of relying on the power of God I have just given you. Jesus seems to assume that we tend to get distracted, and our reliance on God is distracted if we can find something else to rely on. Also, an assumption here is that the apostles will be taken care of. They will not need to provide for themselves. A few of the items mentioned would make them seem like beggars (bag) or travelers (staff).
2) Where you are welcomed stay there. Do not seek better and better accommodations, don’t offend your hosts, be gracious.
3) How to respond to those who do not listen? Leave, and shake the dust off your feet as a witness against them.
The final verse shows their obedience to Jesus sending them out, their faith in using the power Jesus had given them, and the results that they did the same things Jesus did “everywhere!” To be a disciple of Jesus is to be sent out with the power of God to serve Jesus. Those who truly know who Jesus is, truly are sent out in ministry in a variety of ways for the purpose of bringing God’s kingdom into people’s lives.
7-9 – Herod’s Confusion
Herod has his scouts out checking on Jesus and hears back the reports of what Jesus is doing. Obviously Jesus’ power is growing. Not only does Jesus do some miraculous things, but now he has sent out 12 others who appear to have the same power at work in them!! This is becoming a threat, much like John was a threat. We hear here that John is dead, and Herod tells us he had John beheaded. Sounds like Herod doesn’t believe it could be John. Those who are questioning are wrong also. John was the one who has fulfilled the role of Elijah (1:17). Jesus is someone else. The gospel has been asking the question of who this “Jesus” is over and over again. We are going to find out for sure in the coming verses from non other than God himself!! Herod is intrigued by what he hears, and wants to go see for himself who this “Jesus” is. Will Herod ever “know” who Jesus is?
10-17 – Power at Work
The apostles return and tell Jesus of everything they were able to accomplish. After ministry it is good to “retreat,” take a “Sabbath” (sabbatical) to refresh. The Apostles are able to retreat with Jesus in the lead, but Jesus is not, the crowds find him again. Jesus welcomes them, and he speaks, and heals, and brings the kingdom of God into their midst.
The apostles were doing so well at following obediently what Jesus told them to do, but here, again, they slip backwards. The apostles appear concerned for the people who are getting hungry and suggest to Jesus (as the leader) that he may want to stop talking and dismiss the crowds so they can both get something to eat and find a place to sleep for the night. Jesus disregards any worry about where people are going to sleep, but focuses on the eating. In the exodus the Israelites learned that their “daily food” comes from God, manna from heaven. Jesus has a concern that we do not pass the buck onto other, but rather take leadership in fulfilling people’s needs. Jesus shows that taking this leadership in people’s lives eliminates their worry so they may see the kingdom of God breaking into their lives. It is through these simple acts of love and charity (feeding those who are hungry), helping others in their needs, where God breaks into people’s lives.
The normal posture for prayer was looking up into heaven, and the words used following this are reminiscent of the early forms of communion in the church (Mark 14:22; Luke 22:19; 24:30, 1 Cor 11:23-24). This action of prayer, blessing and breaking bread, and distributing will become the main way the disciples will “understand” who Jesus really is, and Jesus will be revealed to them in just this way at the resurrection (at Emmaus). The disciples at Emmaus are very possible in the crowd here, and so Jesus actions then will trigger their reminder of the other time they experienced the kingdom of God breaking into their world. The bread is this sign. The fish are possibly harder to interpret, except that fish was the only meat eaten in large quantities, and more ordinary. The fish was an early designation of Christianity. The greek word for “fish” was “ichthus,” and each of these letters made up the anagram for “Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the Savior.”
This feeding, and their being filled is one of the signs of the kingdom in the earlier beatitudes. Luke is using this story between Herod’s questioning of who this Jesus is, and the next declaration by Peter of who Jesus really is!! When we fulfill people’s basic needs we open the door into their hearts to be able to experience Jesus and the kingdom of God.
At this point Luke omits a big chunk of Mark (6:45-8:26).
18-23 – Who is Jesus? That is the Question!! What does MESSIAH mean?
As Jesus was praying with his disciples he asks them THE question. What are people saying about him, and specifically who do people think I am?? They give the usual suspects John the Baptist, Elijah, another prophet from of old. Then Jesus asks the real question. “Who do YOU say that I am?” Peter makes the ultimate confession of faith, saying out loud in the gospel that Jesus is the MESSIAH, and reveals that maybe Peter does actually get it (but he will fall back again). This confession comes in the setting of prayer!! The previous chapters have taken great pains to make sure we as readers understand the Jesus falls in line with the prophets of old, but that Jesus is greater than. Peter’s confession spells out what the greater than means.
Peter hits the nail on the head, and this is clear with Jesus’ clear “rebuke” to not tell anyone. This is how Jesus has spoken to the demons, fevers, and the wind & sea. In the use of this word it is clear that for others to “know” this much about Jesus this early will place a stumbling block before Jesus’ ministry. Jesus lays out what his ministry has yet to accomplish and nothing can stand in the way of this coming to fulfillment! The concept of “Messiah” brought certain concepts to people’s minds; Ushering in the kingdom of God; Riding in on the wings of angels; Saving the people from the evil ones in charge (Roman occupation). The title “Son of Man” has apocalyptic connotations, and so people would link this to end time speculation. Jesus’ next statement shows the path for the Messiah, and it may not look like the path expected for the Messiah. This is the first passion prediction. Jesus makes clear the necessity of the path he is following, this is God’s path and must be followed, even if it doesn’t look like what we thought it would look like!
23-27 - What does it mean to follow this Messiah??
Jesus then addresses the disciples about their willingness to follow, and what it will mean for them.
1) Deny Yourself, take up your cross daily – this image only makes sense from the vantage point after Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection. Readers of Luke would understand this imagery linking to Jesus’ death! Luke is clear that followers of Jesus do what Jesus did. He sent out the disciples earlier in this chapter and they were given the same power Jesus has, and did the same things Jesus was doing. Following Jesus may very well lead to our crucifixion! Luke adds daily, giving us the distinction that following Jesus is a daily decision we make, or don’t make! How easy is it to get out of bed in the morning knowing you could die today!! It’s hard enough when its raining outside, or when we have turned the clocks forward an hour!! Following Jesus is immeasurably difficult. Its important to note that we are called to “deny ourselves” daily also!! How often do we “deny ourselves?” In American culture we are not good at denying ourselves anything. It is also important to note that following comes after denying and taking up the cross. We can’t follow without doing the first two.
2) The reversal of the kingdom of God compared to this world is seen next. Normally in life we are all about saving our lives. It is even common to evangelize by saying, “have you been saved?” I wonder if this is a capitulation to the culture we are living in. Saving our lives is not what it’s about. Losing our life for the sake of the Kingdom of God is actually what it is all about. Are we willing to die?? This reversal takes on battle imagery, and is similar to instructions given to soldiers heading to battle. Those who turn and run away are the first to die!
3) The imagery here is of the marketplace, this resonates with our culture of accumulation of things! The key to success in our culture is having more power, more money. We are constantly being seduced into the understanding that with this kind of success comes ease of life, fulfillment of life, and security of life. If you notice the qualifiers it is always focused on this life. Jesus point here is that in this kind of thought pattern you can gain everything the world has to offer, but you will lose everything of real value in the end.
4) There is no private discipleship. There is no just me and my god. Our willingness to be open about the kingdom of God in our lives, and how that kingdom changes our life on a daily basis is what it means to be a disciple. It is what Jesus’ message for the world is. The kingdom of God is here, now, and makes a difference in your life NOW!!
5) What is the significance of “tasting death?” In the next story we will witness through the story the kingdom of God on the mountain of transfiguration. I wonder if this isn’t a commentary upon the preceding verse and those who are ashamed of Jesus. If we think physical death is terrible and try to prevent it at all costs, just imagine what will happen to those who are ashamed of Jesus and his word, these people won’t know what real death is until the Kingdom of God!! Then they will see!!
“There are only two impulses in life. One is the impulse to acquire, take, hoard, own, and protect. The other is the impulse to give and to serve. One assumes that each of us can be the Lord of our own lives and that our security and fulfillment depend on our ability to provide for ourselves. The other confesses the sovereignty of God and devotes life to the fulfillment of God’s redemptive will in delivering and empowering others, establishing justice and peace, tearing down barriers, reconciling persons and creating communities. (Culpepper, p.203)
28-36 – The Transfiguration
Mountains are places of retreat, places to go to pray to God, commune with God, and grow closer to God. Mountains in the Old Testament are important places. Mt. Sinai was where Moses spoke to God, and saw God’s “backside,” and received the 10 commandments. Here Jesus brings with him three disciples, Peter, John and James. Is it a coincidence that Jesus brings three disciples and we see Jesus stand with Moses and Elijah? Is there some significance here that Jesus is expecting Peter James and John to function after the Resurrection as Moses, Elijah, and Jesus??
Throughout the story Luke has been trying to convince the reader of who Jesus is! The reader already knows, but here again God confirms it, and begins to give the disciples real tangible evidence of who Jesus is, and the importance of “listening” to Jesus!! For us today we can be assured of the importance of “listening” to Jesus!!
Luke changes Mark’s 6 days to 8, and adjusts the order of the disciples. In placing Peter & John together, Luke may be foreshadowing the role of these two later in the gospel, and in Acts. The appearance of Jesus changes, “dazzling white.”
Jesus talks with Moses and Elijah about Jesus’ “exodus.” That Jesus is talking with Moses and Elijah shows forth the reality of the Resurrection. Moses died, and is there talking with Jesus. Elijah was taken up in a whirlwind and is there talking with Jesus.
Peter is so taken with this miraculous scene he wants to commemorate it with building three dwelling places. He would like this moment to last, however, that is not the point. There is other work to be done, and this is to give the boost to these disciples so they will be empowered to carry out the will of God in their lives even amidst circumstances that will cost them their lives.
Clouds in scripture are one of the ways God’s presence slips in, without being seen. The words spoken from this cloud are similar to the one’s spoken at Jesus’ baptism. Coming from Isaiah 42:1. Jesus is God’s son, the chosen one!! Listening to him is not an option for these disciples. What has Jesus just said that needs this reinforcement from God? This scene confirms that Jesus is going to be leaving the disciples, and confirms that resurrection is real. Moses & Elijah apparently are resurrected!!!
37-43a – The Only Son of a Father (hmmm…similar to Jesus’ relation to God…hmmmm)
Remember earlier when Jesus had sent the Apostles out with power to bring the kingdom of God into people’s lives, and remember their report when they returned how they had taught about the kingdom, and cured diseases. They didn’t say anything about driving out demons!! Here we have someone who had asked the apostles on their journey, but they couldn’t do it!!! Jesus had given the disciples “power & authority” over all demons!!! Jesus is frustrated with his disciples. Jesus shows his pattern of blessing. Jesus takes what is brought, blesses it, and gives it back. This is what happens in healings, exorcisms, feeding of the five thousand, etc. As our faith is placed in Jesus, our faith is blessed and given back, healed, strengthened, etc.
43b-45 – 2nd Passion Announcement
The disciples (at least 3 of them) have been told to “listen” to Jesus by the voice of God!! Here Jesus tries to tell them again what is going to happen, but they don’t understand. We have a situation here of what is seen doesn’t go well with what is said. It is obvious from what Jesus is doing that he has all power and authority so his statements about his passion may not make sense to his disciples, or to us. If Jesus has all this power and authority why would he allow himself to be captured and put to death. It doesn’t make sense to our human sensibilities. If we had the power and authority we wouldn’t let that happen to us!!!!
46-48 – What is Greatness in Discipleship??
As the 2nd passion prediction showed God’s ways are not our ways. Greatness to our minds is not greatness to God!! Jesus relates greatness to welcoming children, and showing us that the least among us is the greatest! What does this say for our ministry? Jesus shows that we must give up our own ambitions and focus on faithfulness to God.
49-50 – Why stop an Exorcist?
The disciples are falling into the Pharisaical legal trap again. They couldn’t cast out demons, and they don’t want someone else doing it. Jesus tells them to stay away from that kind of thinking. The person wasn’t against the disciples, so why bother him! Jealousy is something that is dangerous in our lives, and is against what God is doing!! Who here is doing the work of the kingdom? Is it John? Is it the one casting out demons? There is a danger in the church that we focus on our status as church members, and not on our faithfulness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Faithfulness to the gospel requires us to be servants, service to others, and bringing God’s power and authority to situations in people’s lives, and not relying on status of our position in the world.
Chapter 9:51-19:27 – Jesus’ Journey to Jerusalem
51-56 – Turning Point – Toward Jerusalem
Here we have a turning point for Jesus. He is moving in the story toward his walk to Jerusalem and what will happen to him there. At the beginning of his ministry in Galilee back in chapter 4 Jesus was rejected, now also as his ministry begins toward Jerusalem he is again rejected right off the bat. The disciples want to use earthly power to destroy, Jesus has come not to destroy but to reconcile the world to God, and bring life not death!! Why is it that we like to destroy people when they don’t think like we do? How is this a real temptation for human beings, and how have we given in to this temptation time and again in the history of the world, and currently? Jesus’ ways just do not make sense to us!!
57-62 – What does it mean to follow?
This section begins by showing us what Jesus has given up to follow God’s will in his life. Jesus has no where where he can rest!! The rest of God’s creation can rest, but he cannot!! He is following God!! Jesus is homeless!! Does this follower really understand what following Jesus means? When we follow Jesus fully and completely we have no home, no place to rest, no place to escape the ministry of God! It is wearying, and ultimately leads to death!! Taking care of yourself is secondary to following God!! Next we learn that our duty to our family in death is secondary to following God!! Focus on the living not the dead, according to Jesus. Finally Jesus uses a farming practice to show us how to be good disciples, do not look back, do not allow yourselves to be distracted by concerns that are not as important as the kingdom of God in people’s lives. What kind of distractions are there? What are the distractions that we deem to be important, because they are, which Jesus is suggesting are not as important?? Jesus is setting his face toward Jerusalem, and he is not going to look back, his furrow to the cross will be straight!!
1-6 – Apostles Sent Out in Ministry
Jesus begins by handing over to these 12, the ones he has hand chosen, the power and authority that he has been using in his ministry. They are given power over demons, power to cure from diseases, and the power to proclaim the kingdom of God, and to heal. It is curious that healing, and curing from diseases is mentioned. These we normally consider to be the same, but how are they different, and what kind of other healing is would Jesus be referring to?? What are the examples so far? This is the beginning of the commissioning that Jesus does for his disciples there are three others in the gospel and one in Acts. Ultimately the Jesus is sending the apostles out to perform the same job Jesus has been doing, which is to “proclaim the kingdom of God.” This proclamation is done through speaking and acting. The acting (physical demonstrations of the Kingdom of God) are the healings, the casting out of demons, the raising from the dead, the curing of diseases. These are sacramental ways the kingdom of God is breaking into our world, and showing us that there is an alternate reality that we do not always consider. That alternate reality is God’s reality!
Jesus then instructs the apostle’s:
1) Don’t take anything with you, nothing that you will cause you to rely on it instead of relying on the power of God I have just given you. Jesus seems to assume that we tend to get distracted, and our reliance on God is distracted if we can find something else to rely on. Also, an assumption here is that the apostles will be taken care of. They will not need to provide for themselves. A few of the items mentioned would make them seem like beggars (bag) or travelers (staff).
2) Where you are welcomed stay there. Do not seek better and better accommodations, don’t offend your hosts, be gracious.
3) How to respond to those who do not listen? Leave, and shake the dust off your feet as a witness against them.
The final verse shows their obedience to Jesus sending them out, their faith in using the power Jesus had given them, and the results that they did the same things Jesus did “everywhere!” To be a disciple of Jesus is to be sent out with the power of God to serve Jesus. Those who truly know who Jesus is, truly are sent out in ministry in a variety of ways for the purpose of bringing God’s kingdom into people’s lives.
7-9 – Herod’s Confusion
Herod has his scouts out checking on Jesus and hears back the reports of what Jesus is doing. Obviously Jesus’ power is growing. Not only does Jesus do some miraculous things, but now he has sent out 12 others who appear to have the same power at work in them!! This is becoming a threat, much like John was a threat. We hear here that John is dead, and Herod tells us he had John beheaded. Sounds like Herod doesn’t believe it could be John. Those who are questioning are wrong also. John was the one who has fulfilled the role of Elijah (1:17). Jesus is someone else. The gospel has been asking the question of who this “Jesus” is over and over again. We are going to find out for sure in the coming verses from non other than God himself!! Herod is intrigued by what he hears, and wants to go see for himself who this “Jesus” is. Will Herod ever “know” who Jesus is?
10-17 – Power at Work
The apostles return and tell Jesus of everything they were able to accomplish. After ministry it is good to “retreat,” take a “Sabbath” (sabbatical) to refresh. The Apostles are able to retreat with Jesus in the lead, but Jesus is not, the crowds find him again. Jesus welcomes them, and he speaks, and heals, and brings the kingdom of God into their midst.
The apostles were doing so well at following obediently what Jesus told them to do, but here, again, they slip backwards. The apostles appear concerned for the people who are getting hungry and suggest to Jesus (as the leader) that he may want to stop talking and dismiss the crowds so they can both get something to eat and find a place to sleep for the night. Jesus disregards any worry about where people are going to sleep, but focuses on the eating. In the exodus the Israelites learned that their “daily food” comes from God, manna from heaven. Jesus has a concern that we do not pass the buck onto other, but rather take leadership in fulfilling people’s needs. Jesus shows that taking this leadership in people’s lives eliminates their worry so they may see the kingdom of God breaking into their lives. It is through these simple acts of love and charity (feeding those who are hungry), helping others in their needs, where God breaks into people’s lives.
The normal posture for prayer was looking up into heaven, and the words used following this are reminiscent of the early forms of communion in the church (Mark 14:22; Luke 22:19; 24:30, 1 Cor 11:23-24). This action of prayer, blessing and breaking bread, and distributing will become the main way the disciples will “understand” who Jesus really is, and Jesus will be revealed to them in just this way at the resurrection (at Emmaus). The disciples at Emmaus are very possible in the crowd here, and so Jesus actions then will trigger their reminder of the other time they experienced the kingdom of God breaking into their world. The bread is this sign. The fish are possibly harder to interpret, except that fish was the only meat eaten in large quantities, and more ordinary. The fish was an early designation of Christianity. The greek word for “fish” was “ichthus,” and each of these letters made up the anagram for “Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the Savior.”
This feeding, and their being filled is one of the signs of the kingdom in the earlier beatitudes. Luke is using this story between Herod’s questioning of who this Jesus is, and the next declaration by Peter of who Jesus really is!! When we fulfill people’s basic needs we open the door into their hearts to be able to experience Jesus and the kingdom of God.
At this point Luke omits a big chunk of Mark (6:45-8:26).
18-23 – Who is Jesus? That is the Question!! What does MESSIAH mean?
As Jesus was praying with his disciples he asks them THE question. What are people saying about him, and specifically who do people think I am?? They give the usual suspects John the Baptist, Elijah, another prophet from of old. Then Jesus asks the real question. “Who do YOU say that I am?” Peter makes the ultimate confession of faith, saying out loud in the gospel that Jesus is the MESSIAH, and reveals that maybe Peter does actually get it (but he will fall back again). This confession comes in the setting of prayer!! The previous chapters have taken great pains to make sure we as readers understand the Jesus falls in line with the prophets of old, but that Jesus is greater than. Peter’s confession spells out what the greater than means.
Peter hits the nail on the head, and this is clear with Jesus’ clear “rebuke” to not tell anyone. This is how Jesus has spoken to the demons, fevers, and the wind & sea. In the use of this word it is clear that for others to “know” this much about Jesus this early will place a stumbling block before Jesus’ ministry. Jesus lays out what his ministry has yet to accomplish and nothing can stand in the way of this coming to fulfillment! The concept of “Messiah” brought certain concepts to people’s minds; Ushering in the kingdom of God; Riding in on the wings of angels; Saving the people from the evil ones in charge (Roman occupation). The title “Son of Man” has apocalyptic connotations, and so people would link this to end time speculation. Jesus’ next statement shows the path for the Messiah, and it may not look like the path expected for the Messiah. This is the first passion prediction. Jesus makes clear the necessity of the path he is following, this is God’s path and must be followed, even if it doesn’t look like what we thought it would look like!
23-27 - What does it mean to follow this Messiah??
Jesus then addresses the disciples about their willingness to follow, and what it will mean for them.
1) Deny Yourself, take up your cross daily – this image only makes sense from the vantage point after Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection. Readers of Luke would understand this imagery linking to Jesus’ death! Luke is clear that followers of Jesus do what Jesus did. He sent out the disciples earlier in this chapter and they were given the same power Jesus has, and did the same things Jesus was doing. Following Jesus may very well lead to our crucifixion! Luke adds daily, giving us the distinction that following Jesus is a daily decision we make, or don’t make! How easy is it to get out of bed in the morning knowing you could die today!! It’s hard enough when its raining outside, or when we have turned the clocks forward an hour!! Following Jesus is immeasurably difficult. Its important to note that we are called to “deny ourselves” daily also!! How often do we “deny ourselves?” In American culture we are not good at denying ourselves anything. It is also important to note that following comes after denying and taking up the cross. We can’t follow without doing the first two.
2) The reversal of the kingdom of God compared to this world is seen next. Normally in life we are all about saving our lives. It is even common to evangelize by saying, “have you been saved?” I wonder if this is a capitulation to the culture we are living in. Saving our lives is not what it’s about. Losing our life for the sake of the Kingdom of God is actually what it is all about. Are we willing to die?? This reversal takes on battle imagery, and is similar to instructions given to soldiers heading to battle. Those who turn and run away are the first to die!
3) The imagery here is of the marketplace, this resonates with our culture of accumulation of things! The key to success in our culture is having more power, more money. We are constantly being seduced into the understanding that with this kind of success comes ease of life, fulfillment of life, and security of life. If you notice the qualifiers it is always focused on this life. Jesus point here is that in this kind of thought pattern you can gain everything the world has to offer, but you will lose everything of real value in the end.
4) There is no private discipleship. There is no just me and my god. Our willingness to be open about the kingdom of God in our lives, and how that kingdom changes our life on a daily basis is what it means to be a disciple. It is what Jesus’ message for the world is. The kingdom of God is here, now, and makes a difference in your life NOW!!
5) What is the significance of “tasting death?” In the next story we will witness through the story the kingdom of God on the mountain of transfiguration. I wonder if this isn’t a commentary upon the preceding verse and those who are ashamed of Jesus. If we think physical death is terrible and try to prevent it at all costs, just imagine what will happen to those who are ashamed of Jesus and his word, these people won’t know what real death is until the Kingdom of God!! Then they will see!!
“There are only two impulses in life. One is the impulse to acquire, take, hoard, own, and protect. The other is the impulse to give and to serve. One assumes that each of us can be the Lord of our own lives and that our security and fulfillment depend on our ability to provide for ourselves. The other confesses the sovereignty of God and devotes life to the fulfillment of God’s redemptive will in delivering and empowering others, establishing justice and peace, tearing down barriers, reconciling persons and creating communities. (Culpepper, p.203)
28-36 – The Transfiguration
Mountains are places of retreat, places to go to pray to God, commune with God, and grow closer to God. Mountains in the Old Testament are important places. Mt. Sinai was where Moses spoke to God, and saw God’s “backside,” and received the 10 commandments. Here Jesus brings with him three disciples, Peter, John and James. Is it a coincidence that Jesus brings three disciples and we see Jesus stand with Moses and Elijah? Is there some significance here that Jesus is expecting Peter James and John to function after the Resurrection as Moses, Elijah, and Jesus??
Throughout the story Luke has been trying to convince the reader of who Jesus is! The reader already knows, but here again God confirms it, and begins to give the disciples real tangible evidence of who Jesus is, and the importance of “listening” to Jesus!! For us today we can be assured of the importance of “listening” to Jesus!!
Luke changes Mark’s 6 days to 8, and adjusts the order of the disciples. In placing Peter & John together, Luke may be foreshadowing the role of these two later in the gospel, and in Acts. The appearance of Jesus changes, “dazzling white.”
Jesus talks with Moses and Elijah about Jesus’ “exodus.” That Jesus is talking with Moses and Elijah shows forth the reality of the Resurrection. Moses died, and is there talking with Jesus. Elijah was taken up in a whirlwind and is there talking with Jesus.
Peter is so taken with this miraculous scene he wants to commemorate it with building three dwelling places. He would like this moment to last, however, that is not the point. There is other work to be done, and this is to give the boost to these disciples so they will be empowered to carry out the will of God in their lives even amidst circumstances that will cost them their lives.
Clouds in scripture are one of the ways God’s presence slips in, without being seen. The words spoken from this cloud are similar to the one’s spoken at Jesus’ baptism. Coming from Isaiah 42:1. Jesus is God’s son, the chosen one!! Listening to him is not an option for these disciples. What has Jesus just said that needs this reinforcement from God? This scene confirms that Jesus is going to be leaving the disciples, and confirms that resurrection is real. Moses & Elijah apparently are resurrected!!!
37-43a – The Only Son of a Father (hmmm…similar to Jesus’ relation to God…hmmmm)
Remember earlier when Jesus had sent the Apostles out with power to bring the kingdom of God into people’s lives, and remember their report when they returned how they had taught about the kingdom, and cured diseases. They didn’t say anything about driving out demons!! Here we have someone who had asked the apostles on their journey, but they couldn’t do it!!! Jesus had given the disciples “power & authority” over all demons!!! Jesus is frustrated with his disciples. Jesus shows his pattern of blessing. Jesus takes what is brought, blesses it, and gives it back. This is what happens in healings, exorcisms, feeding of the five thousand, etc. As our faith is placed in Jesus, our faith is blessed and given back, healed, strengthened, etc.
43b-45 – 2nd Passion Announcement
The disciples (at least 3 of them) have been told to “listen” to Jesus by the voice of God!! Here Jesus tries to tell them again what is going to happen, but they don’t understand. We have a situation here of what is seen doesn’t go well with what is said. It is obvious from what Jesus is doing that he has all power and authority so his statements about his passion may not make sense to his disciples, or to us. If Jesus has all this power and authority why would he allow himself to be captured and put to death. It doesn’t make sense to our human sensibilities. If we had the power and authority we wouldn’t let that happen to us!!!!
46-48 – What is Greatness in Discipleship??
As the 2nd passion prediction showed God’s ways are not our ways. Greatness to our minds is not greatness to God!! Jesus relates greatness to welcoming children, and showing us that the least among us is the greatest! What does this say for our ministry? Jesus shows that we must give up our own ambitions and focus on faithfulness to God.
49-50 – Why stop an Exorcist?
The disciples are falling into the Pharisaical legal trap again. They couldn’t cast out demons, and they don’t want someone else doing it. Jesus tells them to stay away from that kind of thinking. The person wasn’t against the disciples, so why bother him! Jealousy is something that is dangerous in our lives, and is against what God is doing!! Who here is doing the work of the kingdom? Is it John? Is it the one casting out demons? There is a danger in the church that we focus on our status as church members, and not on our faithfulness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Faithfulness to the gospel requires us to be servants, service to others, and bringing God’s power and authority to situations in people’s lives, and not relying on status of our position in the world.
Chapter 9:51-19:27 – Jesus’ Journey to Jerusalem
51-56 – Turning Point – Toward Jerusalem
Here we have a turning point for Jesus. He is moving in the story toward his walk to Jerusalem and what will happen to him there. At the beginning of his ministry in Galilee back in chapter 4 Jesus was rejected, now also as his ministry begins toward Jerusalem he is again rejected right off the bat. The disciples want to use earthly power to destroy, Jesus has come not to destroy but to reconcile the world to God, and bring life not death!! Why is it that we like to destroy people when they don’t think like we do? How is this a real temptation for human beings, and how have we given in to this temptation time and again in the history of the world, and currently? Jesus’ ways just do not make sense to us!!
57-62 – What does it mean to follow?
This section begins by showing us what Jesus has given up to follow God’s will in his life. Jesus has no where where he can rest!! The rest of God’s creation can rest, but he cannot!! He is following God!! Jesus is homeless!! Does this follower really understand what following Jesus means? When we follow Jesus fully and completely we have no home, no place to rest, no place to escape the ministry of God! It is wearying, and ultimately leads to death!! Taking care of yourself is secondary to following God!! Next we learn that our duty to our family in death is secondary to following God!! Focus on the living not the dead, according to Jesus. Finally Jesus uses a farming practice to show us how to be good disciples, do not look back, do not allow yourselves to be distracted by concerns that are not as important as the kingdom of God in people’s lives. What kind of distractions are there? What are the distractions that we deem to be important, because they are, which Jesus is suggesting are not as important?? Jesus is setting his face toward Jerusalem, and he is not going to look back, his furrow to the cross will be straight!!