1:39-56 – Mary’s Visit with Elizabeth
Here the two stories converge for a moment to show they are not really two, but are really part of one story, but they will separate again for the births, and then return together at Jesus’ Baptism. Following the meeting with the Angel, Mary shows her willing obedience by doing exactly as the angel instructs, she goes to see her cousin with haste! Here we are going to have a traditional older woman teaching a younger woman the ropes sharing her story, but we will also have Mary teaching Elizabeth (more unusual). She enters the house and greets Elizabeth, and immediately we have confirmation that what the angel has said is coming true. John leaps in the womb, and Elizabeth is filled with the Holy Spirit (Elizabeth here is a prophet), and speaks the Word of God. Elizabeth is the first person to call Jesus LORD, and the first woman to give beatitude. She speaks a blessing upon Mary, upon what is happening even now, and she confirms that the child that this lowly peasant woman is carrying is GREAT as she is flabbergasted that, “The mother of my Lord comes to me?” Those who are great do not visit those who are less great. It is always the other way around. Does this signify the great reversal that God is bringing about through Jesus? Jesus calls the disciples to be servants of others. The blessing of children is always the highest blessing for women in scripture, but Mary has an even greater blessing that she is blessed among women.
Elizabeth comments on John leaping for joy at the sound of Mary’s greeting. Gen 25:22-23 here the unborn twins of Rebecca “struggled/leaped” in her womb, it was a sign of that they would be at odds. Here we have a sign that John is expectantly awaiting Jesus, and that at Jesus presence John is already pointing to him even from the womb. Elizabeth knows that John is leaping for JOY! The angel told Zechariah that he would have joy, now joy comes to Elizabeth & John. Mary/Jesus bring JOY. Joy is another recurring theme throughout Luke. Finally a blessing is spoken over Mary, and proclaims her faithfulness, her obedience to God’s word an amazing and wonderful thing!! This testifies to the fact that God never fails those who are so faithful, and could possibly contrast with her husband Zechariah’s less than faithful response to the angel.
The Magnificat – (v46-55)
Here is the first of Luke’s strong, powerful songs sung as pronouncements of what God is going to do, prophetic utterance, something far greater than the scene it is in. These songs in Luke very possibly were being used in Worship already, and he weaves these pieces in to his story to lift up the significance of what is happening, and as a powerful way to shape his telling of this story. None of these prophetic songs are in the other gospels.
Mary’s song here proclaims that what God is doing is going to change the world forever. God is the Savior. It is in Jesus that the role of God as Savior becomes visible to the world, actually very sacramental. This focus on God as Savior means that nothing else can save us, and we are to look nowhere else. Mary begins by focusing on what God has done for her, and then moves to what God is doing for all people.
Similar to Hannah’s hymn of praise (1 Sam 2:1-10) as she presented Samuel to the temple for service after the Lord granted her a son. Begins by praising God, and how Mary is filled with an amazing sense of gratitude towards God. She is amazingly humble, and recognizes how incredible all of this is. Mary seems from the very beginning to really understand what is happening. Mary is the first, in a sense, to truly feel the impact of salvation for humanity. What she is experiencing is what all humanity will experience. This song proclaims what God is doing through her, and she is allowing this to take place, and is embracing God’s will for her completely. God cares for the lowly, and has even selected one for this great honor. Mary will be remembered, revered, and surely known as blessed by God. But it has nothing to do with what Mary has done; it is because God has bestowed this upon her.
Starting at v50 we begin to hear a prophetic utterance of how what God is doing is going to go global. God has mercy on those who fear God. Here are the themes of the Gospel: In this birth God is showing his strength (although in an unusual way), he is going to scatter the proud (those not fearing God), bring down the powerful, lift up the lowly, fill the hungry, sent the rich away empty. This is the great reversal; all things will be turned upside down in Jesus. This is God helping Israel, fulfilling the covenants he made with Abraham and his posterity. This is the Messiah!! God is fulfilling the covenants he made forever! In this we have a sense of Judgment as well as Salvation. Those who are not following God will not fare well. God knows our hearts!! Luke for sure wants the readers to know that God has not forgotten his promises, and God is making good on his promises through Jesus.
At this time the Roman Empire was extremely powerful, the most powerful force on earth (or so thought). These words of Luke take on even greater significance if this writing was actually composed after the fall of Jerusalem (around 70AD) as a way of saying to the people that God is doing something greater than what the Roman’s can do!!
Mary is the perfect disciple. She listens to God’s word, submits to it, and follows. This theme continues that Mary is to be a premier example of us of discipleship. Mary stay’s 3 months, probably learning about carrying a child, and seems to leave just as Elizabeth is about to give birth. However, it seems strange that she would leave to this point. Why not stay for the birth and see what you need to do??
We are Zechariah, we are called to be Mary
1:57-65 – The Birth of John the Baptist
We’ve had the two announcements by the Angel Gabriel, and the confirmation of the Angel’s announcement in the meeting of Mary & Elizabeth. The two stories diverge again, and we hear the fulfillment of the first, which gives a clue that the fulfillment of the second will follow shortly. We begin with the birth, circumcision, and naming of the child. These parents surely follow God’s law, and do everything in proper order. The fulfillment happens: a son is born, many rejoice at the birth, the name will be John (despite others who wanted a different name, God’s word is followed). As God’s word is followed in obedience (contrast with Mary’s willing obedience from the beginning) Zechariah’s curse is lifted, Zechariah while not as obedient and faithful at first turns out faithful and righteous as was stated earlier about both Zechariah & Elizabeth.
A strange occurrence in the crowd “motioning” to Zechariah, suggesting either that Zechariah was deaf as well as mute, or that maybe since the crowd is trying to go against God’s name for the child that maybe they were just struck mute and couldn’t communicate with Zechariah without motioning with their hands?? Zechariah’s head seems much clearer at this point, and he asks for a way to write what he wants to communicate. Naming falls to the father, in naming the son the father claims the son as his own. As his tongue is freed his first words are to praise God. God’s power is perceived and fear strikes the hearts of those who have witnessed this event take place. Fear is a common Lukan response to God’s power being shown. The people ponder what this man will become, since God’s power has been evident in this birth!! This pondering is similar to Mary’s pondering later, it is a “placing in their hearts,” referring to something that they want to remember and refer back to later, a significant event, even if the significance isn’t readily interpreted.
1:66-80 – The Benedictus (the first words – Blessed be the Lord God of Israel)
As Mary broke out in song when meeting Elizabeth, we have Zechariah breaking out in song here at the naming of his son, and as his tongue is freed. He is filled with the Holy Spirit, thus this is prophetic utterance of God’s word. This song can be seen as God’s answer to the question uttered by the crowd, “what will this child become?” Through v75 the song focuses on what God has done.
Starts blessing God. God has blessed the people redeeming them, fulfilling the covenant made with David and the prophets of old. God is saving his people from enemies, showing his people mercy (not deserved, but God saves anyway), because he remembers his covenants to Abraham. The purpose of this salvation, this mercy, is that we might serve God without fear (our normal response to angels), and in holiness and righteousness. Thus God is setting his people free in order that they may worship God completely.
V76 and on speak of what John is going to do that is going to set this plan in motion. John is the premier prophet of God, who is going to prepare the way, going ahead of Jesus. John is Jesus’ snowplow!! John is going to present the concept of salvation through forgiveness of sin. John is going to begin the way for this sun to shine his way into the darkness of our souls in order that we may live in peace. This imagery is a reference to Isaiah 9:2 “The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who lived in a land of deep darkness— on them light has shined.; 42:6-7. In peace we will be able to worship & serve God. This reference to peace at the end is one of 14 references to peace in Luke. Peace cannot come without redemption/salvation. God is at work here bringing peace to earth – we will hear this again! The problem we will see is the when God brings peace, the world goes to war against God. Closes with John growing up, being strong in spirit, living in the wilderness, similar to Elijah & Moses, not a part of the religious authorities, until he was made public.